Suggestions for the mens' prayer group for Wednesday - 21-4-2021

Dear Lord, please hear our prayers as we gather together in spirit if not in person. Following Jesus's example in prayer...

Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name, Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for your steadfast love for us, for seeking us out and saving us, for giving us better lives now and the promise of eternal life going forward. Thank you for the grace which enables us to see something of your glory and power and to feel the peace which only comes from such deep assurance of our salvation and our destiny.

Thank you for all that we are and all that we have - all the physical comforts we are able to enjoy in this land and the freedom to worship You. Help us to join with our neighbours and local community to defend and enhance the freedoms we hold dear and to be a blessing and encouragement to all who we meet.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Lord, we thank you for the generous provision we enjoy in this country and pray for all peoples of the world that hunger may be satisfied, thirst may be quenched, and that Your Word will be spread to all people that their spiritual needs will also be met.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Lord, we repent of our sins both of commision and omission, and though we are unworthy, we rely entirely on the extraordinary generosity of Your love and forgiveness. Lord, help us to listen more closely to The Spirit's voice teaching us what is right and what is wrong and to raise our awareness of anything we may be subconciously holding against anyone else so we may forgive and treat everyone with the kindness that befits us as representatives of You on this earth.

Lead us not into temptation.

Lord, please help us to avoid the many pitfalls we are prone to discover. Remind us to be still and listen to the Spirit's voice for direction and comfort.

But deliver us from evil.

Help us to walk ever more closely with You that we may more instinctively shun evil ways and encourage such good works in our daily lives that we do not have the time nor the energy to leave the path You would wish us to travel.

For yours is the powerful and glorious kingdom, now and for ever. Amen.

This week's Collect:-
Almighty God, who gave your only Son for us to be both a sacrifice for sin and an example of godly life, give us grace so that we may always receive with thankfulness the immeasurable benefit of his sacrifice, and try day by day to follow in the steps of his most holy life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Let us give thanks for the extraordinary life of Prince Philip, and all those departed this life who have given us pleasure, inspiration or any kind of positive motivation. Let us pray for our Queen as she mourns her loss and begins the struggle of life without her excellent consort and lifetime companion. Let us pray for the Queen in the words of the prayer book - that in all her thoughts, words, and works she may ever seek thy honour and glory, and study to preserve thy people committed to her charge, in wealth, peace, and godliness.

Let us pray for all who are unwell or mourning the loss of friends or family members.

Let us pray for people in difficulty across the world - there's a lot going on right now.

Let us be thankful that Eritrea has now admitted the prescence of its troops in Tigray, Ethiopia and pray for their rapid withdrawal without further bloodshed.

Let us be thankful that ceasefire monitors are to allowed into Libya and pray that the process of establishing a lasting peace can proceed from there.

Let us be thankful for the progress so far in Vienna regarding the Iranian nuclear programme. Let us pray for continued cooperation between the parties and that the recent sabotage of Iran's nuclear facility will be resolved soon and not inflame the bad feelings between Iran and Israel. And pray that the recent military exchange between Israel and Hammas will lead to further diplomatic efforts rather than the usual escalation of conflict.

Let us be thankful for the release of over 23,000 prisoners in Myanmar but continue to pray for the reestablishment of democracy and an end to the killing of protesters.

Let us pray that the Russian militay buildup on the Ukraine border leads to a political settlement and not to the conflict for which this is obviously in preparation. Let us pray for Russia in general that her interference in elections and other beligerant acts will cease.

Let us pray for Black Lives Matter: that it will be effective in reducing racism: that someone will point out that fighting the police or 'resisting arrest' is the time when problems occur. Let us pray for the USA where these problems appear to be out of control.

Let us pray for India where the Prime Minister's call for people to celebrate Kumbh symbolically seems to have fallen on deaf ears leading to a massive increase in coronavirus infections. India's Serum Institute is the world's largest vaccine maker - has agreed to provide 28 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine to Covax the international effort to supply less well healed countries, and also has a deal to supply one billion doses of the Novavax vaccine to Covax. They are currently being frustrated by an embargo preventing the supply of raw material from the USA. Let us pray that the USA relents and allows the Indian company to fulfil its promises.

Let us also pray that the 'double variant' mutation which is causing so many problems in India and is now in Britain, remains controlled by the excellent vaccination programme we have here.

Let us pray for our mission partners...
Matt and Andrea, Sam, Ellie, Hannah, and Daniel Vaughan in Malaysia
Brendan and Jo, Lydia and Elias in South Asia
Josh and Cathy, Ben, Erin and Matthew Hooker in Namibia
Claire Dent, UCCF working with students remotely
Robbie and Lizzie, Lola, Caleb and Mia Bellis with a church plant in Belgium

Let us give thanks for Glyn and Peter and all the team and their families and pray for continued strength and guidance. Give thanks that Mary has been invited back to St John's school and pray for all the activities undertaken there.

Let us pray for our community - Woking and St John's that we may be a light to show the way and a good example to all.

Let us pray for each other as per the email listing and then we can refer to the parish prayer list for other matters to pray for.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.